Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is willing to accept that she creates her own reality.
Jonathon Flaum, author of Finding Your Howl, writes two short stories. One about the remaining 14 red wolves that were left in the 1970's and the other of a personal experience of his with another peer in his fifth grad penmanship class. The story I have chosen to summarize is that of his personal experience.

While being a student in Mrs. Horowitz fifth grade penmanship class, Flaum had instantly expressed his unwillingness and hate for two things. The first was his hateful relationship with Mrs. Horowitz and the second was his fellow peer, Nick Thompson. After being given the task to writing a ten page short story, Flaum seemed to have found something else to add to his list of things he hated. Not only was ten pages a bit much to ask out of a student who was only in the fifth grade, but it didn't help that once the grades were returned back that Flaum had once again received a failing grade and Nick had received an "excellent" grade. Most thought that Nick must have cheated somehow to get this excellent grade, but Flaum suddenly realized that he hadn't cheated at all and rather had just underestimated what Nick was capable of.
The story nick wrote was about a tiger who lived in a cage at the zoo. He had went into detail about the cage, the zoo, and the immense amount of strength that this tiger had. As time went by the tiger came to the conclusion that he was going to escape late at night. After the plan had taken place and the tiger peacefully fell asleep, once the tiger finally woke up he found himself in another cage in another zoo. Eventually the tiger calmed down and reinforced his plan once again, but each time he did this he consistently found himself in another cage in another zoo and as the story came to an end, Flaum had found the deeper meaning to Nicks short story. He had written about life and the way it works. The only way that the cage could go away is if we go away with it because we are one with the cage. We have to become aware of the looks of the cage and from their we automatically become identified with it because it is ultimately your home. There is no easy way to get out of a situation that we get ourselves into, because it not only takes over our lives on the outside, but inside as well and the only way to get over it is to "over come ourselves."


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