Friday, April 22, 2011


Godin makes it quite clear in his "Brainwashed" piece, that there are more than plenty of ways to reinvent yourself, in ways that most people wouldn't even considering as "reinventing". One of the layers that I found most interesting that Godin make appoint was to simply make art. Art. The one thing that we can truly say that in this economy can potentially be free if we wanted to make it. It is an 'original gift' and the 'human ability to make a difference' as Seth would say. However, what catches most people off guard is that there are absolutely no limits or boundaries  when it comes to art, any body and everybody can do it. By going through our daily routines and interacting with a variety of people, we have the power to make something that expresses who we are, what we are feeling, and how we interpret art. Art can truly change everything. As I previously stated, there are no boundaries to making art, which means no instructions, no rule book, nothing at all to make you feel like you are doing it incorrectly. As Gordin said "it is the art of creating the uncreated," and it is so true. We have the ability to create something that isn't created already, and if it is already created, it isn't in such a way that we see it as art. And chances are, when others see your work someone will ultimately be able to relate to it and it will be you who had impacted them most. So go draw that piece of architecture that found striking while walking down court street, go on a photography craze throughout all of Athens (thats me currently, and have been all year..literally.), write a story/screenplay/song, make a video (i know most of us can do this, obviously.), and furthermore just make art

Take the plunge, jump for the stars, ship. What do these all have in common? They all three refer to the same general meaning which is take a risk and jump or "ship." The kinds of people who "ship" are the ones who pursue the most and ultimately who we can't live without. Because without those who ship, who would be the one to be the leader? The one who takes charge? We wouldn't have one. Shipping has a tendency of being hard to do, because as we learned in the previous layer the lizard of our brain (the voice inside us who makes us follow the rule book/instructions). With that inner lizard, we tend to hold off and pull back from taking risks and chances at the thought and fear of failing. God forbid we have to fail at something or at the very least take responsibility for our own actions. In order to reinvent yourself, we all have to learn to be able to ship and take those risks that we all dread.

While writing my last choice of layer to summarize, I suddenly realized something. Not only as Video Production majors, but for all Scripps students including Communication Studies, Journalism, and Visual Communications, we  are doing both of these layers. The whole point of the Scripps school is to open a wide variety of career options that challenge us both academically and creatively. We are the future journalists, photographers, and directors of this world and we have already "shipped" by even taking the risk into going into such competitive industries. As far as these layers relating to the Blog, I think it can relate to the blog because all of us students have been making art by writing down our personal thought, expressions, and creativity through a public blog, in which case we have "shipped" because we have allowed our writing to be seen by the public eye and face the inner lizard in our brain. 

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