Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The crop shop.

To me this photo seems haunting, which is exactly why I was drawn to it.  Immediately, I was drawn to the little girl in the white dress, which made it easy for me when I was trying to figure out what exactly I wanted to frame in my rendition of the picture. I really wanted to leave out the fact that she had a cigarette in her hand, because I felt as if it is the focal point when you see the full image because it seems to give off negative energy and a discomforting feeling to the audience.  However, at the same time I still wanted to see some of the background, so what I did was crop the picture as close to her head, crop out the cigarette, and kept depth. Although there isn't a lot in the depth of field, the legs that are out of focus in the background, still indicate that there is someone else there. Creating this depth cue also allows the spectator to feel a lot closer to the little girl since she is right upfront to the camera and make you feel like you have a personal relationship with her. I also used Rule of thirds the little girls face lies at one of the intersections of the Rule of Thirds. Although these are reasons as to why I framed the picture a certain way, I will now discuss why the artist framed the picture the way it is.  The artist uses contrast by using the black and white coloring. By having this color palate it makes the photo a more dramatic photo. There is also a use of lines in this photo, in particular Visual Lines. There were visual lines involved because the little girl is looking directly at the camera. The visual rhythm in this photo seems to be that there is some kind of movement within the frame because the background is somewhat blurred. 

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