Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Kardos Manifesto-Extra Credit Blog

After reading and evaluating some of his work, I think it is safe to say the Karim Rashid is one of the most creative and inspirational people that I have ever looked into. Whether it is his designs for up coming credit cards or his wise words on life, Rashid definitely has himself together. After looking at some of his work and reading the first 10 points of life out of the 50 that he has come up with, I have come to the conclusion that if everyone lived by even just 10 of his tips, everyone's lives might a little less stressful. Although all of these points have me thinking a lot about the way I currently live my life, there was one point in particular that caught my eye. #10: Here and now is all we got. As soon as I read that, I started to panic. For as long as I can remember I have always made sure I had a plan, whether it was making a checklist of things I need to get done throughout the day or how I picture my career going, I've always have created a plan far in advance, but Rashid makes a great point. "Here and now is all we got". I need to stop myself from constantly living by the rule book and planning my life out the way I see it going, because the fact of the matter is, while I'm stressing out over how many credits I need to take and who I need to network with to land the perfect internship, my life is passing me by. This past year would be a great example. Coming from an extremely small town (2 street lights to be exact!) besides running and hanging out with my friends, school was extremely important to me, thus I had created the mind set that that was the only thing I wanted to get out of college. I wanted to go to class, see my friends, and study hard 24/7. Almost all of fall quarter I would stay in my room or at the library on the weekends studying for a test that wasn't for another three weeks or typing a paper that wasn't due til the end of the quarter, and suddenly I realized I was missing out on the real college experience. Here and now is all we got.

Although I think that both is manifesto and his art work are extremely brilliant and well done, I don't particularly see any tie between them. Nothing stood out to me in his manifesto or his art work that screamed that there was a direct correlation between the two. I suppose one could argue that his manifesto and art can be closely related because of the mere fact that Rashid speaks from the heart and does what he wants, however at that I still wouldn't consider that a direct correlation.

So to conclude my Media 203 blog (with the exception of Blog 9B which I have yet to post), I'd like to end this journey with my own manifesto to incoming freshman at OU:

1. Don't wear your lanyard around your neck, it screams freshman.
2. Saying "this tastes like nail polish remover" while pregaming for a party is an indication that you are a party virgin (trust me).
3. Looking both ways to cross Court Street is pointless.
4. Enjoy taking only 16 credit hours while you can.
5. Don't settle on your major, be optimistic and take classes in everything to broaden your horizons.
6. Get involved as much as you can on campus.
7. Don't carry a map with you on your first day, direct indication of a freshman.
8. Try to take advantage of all of the free activities we are given on campus.
9. Get used to staying up past 3 AM.
10. College is what you make of it and we're lucky enough to go to such a great school, thus take advantage of it.

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