Saturday, May 28, 2011

Blog 10A


David Rendall, author of Freak Factor, provides his readers with a good read on how to overcome weakness is a corky and witty way with only nine different suggestions.
 To start what's your problem? In this section Rendall really wants his readers to dig deep and find out what those flaws are about yourself. Within this suggestion he provides three steps to figure out what your problem is including fixing your weakness, build on your strengths, and most importantly do both!

His second suggestion, what my problem allows your family and friends to critique your flaws so you have an outsiders perspective. Even though what they may say to may seem a bit overzealous and harsh, it will ultimately allow you to turn your weaknesses into strengths because you are bale to see what they are and build on them.

Next we have Flawless: there is nothing wrong with you. In this suggestion readers learn to consider these weaknesses as being more as something unique about your character. All strengths and weaknesses come in pairs and it is sometimes hard to realize that you posses both of those qualities however, if you are able to see these weaknesses as more of a positive and unique characteristic about yourself you will be just fine.  I think this could be a good suggestion to a certain extent, just because you wouldn't want the person to become too full of themselves. 

Forget it: don't try to fix your weaknesses. In this suggestion readers learn to completely forget about their weakness. Being human beings, we have this natural instinct to take whatever negative qualities we find in ourselves or to others find within ourselves and make ourselves completely obsessed with the idea, almost to the extent that that is all we ever think about. So, just to make it easier on yourself, FORGET ABOUT IT! I think this suggestion is a really good idea because I think all too often people get wrapped up in their lives and can't help but not forget about something. Thus, if we were just able to let some things go life may be a little bit easier. 

Foundation: foundation build on your strengths. As Rendall simply states, these strengths are what you love to do. They are what you are most naturally good at, so keep up the good work. I think this is a great and probably the most important suggestion made because it is so important to take part in the thigns we love to do and that make us happy. 

Focus: you can't do both. Once again, we meet this same concept as being a normal human being and getting all caught up in our multitasking lives. Take a breather and a step back, and only focus on one thing at a time.

Fit: find the right spot. Don't freak out about not fitting in, you need to choose those natural situations that fit who YOU are.

Freak: the power of uniqueness. Don't feel unwanted or different when flaunting your uniqueness, because it is what makes you, YOU.

And finally we have the Freak fact: putting your corks to work. As I mentioned before everybody has something about themselves that makes them an individual and extremely unique. So instead of hiding that, don't be afraid to apply it and get some good use out of it.

After taking this class I have most certainly realized what my strengths and weaknesses are. My strengths would be that I am not afraid to take charge. In just about all of my group labs, I have always been the one to introduce myself first and jump the gun to get started on the project. However good my strength may be, this leads into my weakness which is being to anal. I am very persistent on getting all of my school work done in a good advancement of time (i.e: THIS BLOG). I need to learn to take a step back and just take it one day at a time instead of a weak in advance because it is stressing me out more than what I need to be/

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