Thursday, May 26, 2011

Balloon Buster Blog 9A

I have to admit, that I am thoroughly impressed and proud of my groups creation and idea for a game. Although the concept is extremely simple and not the least bit complex, I feel like sometimes that can go further rather than an idea that has a lot.  However, as the blog stated no presentation can be completely flawless without some minor faults, but with every fault there is a strength as well so lets start with that.

One point that never really came across and was touched on lightly I think were the visual elements, we briefly described them as anything brightly colored and animated to allow the player to use their imagination, but I think that could've been done in a better war because we didn't really focus on it a whole lot.

Strength: Personally, I feel like my groups biggest strength was explaining the rules of our game. As soon as Angela came up with this brilliant idea, the rules instantly came to mind. We knew that our procedure would be that the player would have to give an answer to matter what, whether its wrong or right. From there, if the player was incorrect we would give them 3 choices or chances to be given the right answer-50/50 multiple choice answers, step-by-step procedure of the problem, or skip the question and be given a new one. However, if answered incorrectly, one of your balloons will pop. The delimiters included the player not being able to advance until all questions are answered correctly and until the requested amount of balloons per level have been met. Players can only advance if they give the right answer. Our rules were very basic and straight forward so it didn't require a lot of thinking on the players part in order for them to understand. Thus, this was the easiest concept area to discuss with others because we had elaborated on it so much.

Weakness: Our groups biggest weakness was the mechanics. I felt like we didn't describe them well enough, almost like they were too basic. We described them as using the arrows to allow the player to jump, using the letters on the keyboard for any word problem, and using the numbers on the keyboard for any math problem. I don't think we explained this well enough because it seems to me like there aren't enough mechanics. If we had more time to actually construct this game, we could have gone into more detail about more of the movements and actions the player would encounter which would ultimately lead to explaining the mechanics better.

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